### The renal cell carcinoma-specific cancer–immunity cycle
Targets of Drugs
![bg right:60% height:630px](https://i.imgur.com/zd2dWm6.png)
> BRAUN, David A., et al. Beyond conventional immune-checkpoint inhibition—novel immunotherapies for renal cell carcinoma. Nature reviews Clinical oncology, 2021, 18.4: 199-214.
In the COMPARZ trial, the median OS was 28.4 months in the PZ group (95% CI 26.2–35.6) and 29.3 months in the SU group (95% CI 25.3–32.5). The median PFS was 8.4 months with PZ (95% CI 8.3–10.9) and 9.5 months with SU (95% CI 8.3–11.1).
> Choueiri TK, Motzer RJ. Systemic Therapy for Metastatic Renal-Cell Carcinoma. The New England Journal of Medicine. 2017;376(4):354-366. doi:<https://doi.org/10.1056/nejmra1601333>
![Figure: height:450px](https://i.imgur.com/V1M62Yf.png)
#### Sankey diagram depicting treatment pathways
![Figure: width:1150px](https://i.imgur.com/eihQcX5.png)